Friday, October 30, 2009

Randomness on a Friday afternoon...

It's been an odd week. Lots of ups and downs. Good wine tasting, no sales. Surprise bookings and sales. Warm leads, no responses. Strange driving and traffic oddities. And lots of shoulder pain. Trying to postpone calling the bone doctor, but I think the rotator cuff is actually damaged. Too much softball, too many hard falls. Luckily, there's wine to savor.

It's confirmed - I'll be teaching Wine Camp at LearnAboutWine on December 6th. Ian will be returning from New Zealand around that time, and isn't sure he'll be up to teaching, so I'm in. I love Wine Camp! Always a lot of fun teaching newbies about the delights of the grape! The class generally has a discounted price - check out LearnAboutWine and come and play!

Ian also asked me to help with a private event next week. Pouring wine for an important charity. More news as he discloses.

Got great response from a coworker about the Sunfish Pinot Noir he bought for his wife. I rhapsodized about this wine earlier, and am gratified that my suggestion for her was appreciated. He said he's never known her to drink 3 glasses of wine in one evening. I said, '3 glasses? That's Tuesday night!' Seriously, it's a delicious little Pinot, very approachable.

Do you ever have times when you feel invisible? Recently I've had zero response to emails, phone calls, blogs, Facebook entries. Everyone says they want to, but not now. No one wants to make a commitment. Kind of like back in the dating days!

Finished off a bottle of Fleur Bleu Tempranillo last night. The Fleur Bleu wines all seem to have soft tannins, beautifully aromatic red fruit and long silky finishes. They do seem to actually be better the second day - not that most wines live to see another day in my house!

I'm up to 15 votes on LocalWineEvents. I know most of the votes have been my own, but a few people have voted for me!


Eve said...

Denise, The new FB has given me less responses too, and most of my blog posts are rewarded by your responses - thank you. My only catch is the local angle, wine 101 and contributors.

Might I suggest that you advertise your blog also via Ian? I know that he says that you are THE ONE with the most education, if he doesn't have a "blogger" on staff - besides himself - it would seem a win-win for you both.

Goddess of Wine said...

That is a great suggestion, Eve! I have told him that I blog about all events, but he's often so focused on what he's doing that he doesn't necessarily hear it the first I'll keep telling him until he hears me.

And I'll keep posting comments on your blog!

Hope to see you soon.